
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MARIA - Mama Alpha Romeo India Alpha

Me and BF talked about his job and his boss, before we finally talked about how his boss use the "phonetic alphabet" when spelling a password or names or basicall anything that you need to spell..
We tried to figure every single aplhabet but cant manage to complete the A to Z,
so anyway, I googled it and..

apparently this is called "NATO phonetic alphabet",
and even though there's some difference between countries like US and Australia (eg: M for "Mike" in US, and "Mama" for Australia), but overall i think this is the complete list...

A .......... ALPHA
B .......... BRAVO
C .......... CHARLIE
D .......... DELTA
E .......... ECHO
F .......... FOXTROT
G .......... GOLF
H .......... HOTEL
I .......... INDIA
J .......... JULIET
K .......... KILO
L .......... LIMA
M .......... MAMA
N .......... NOVEMBER
O .......... OSCAR
P .......... PAPA
Q .......... QUEBEC
R .......... ROMEO
S .......... SIERRA
T .......... TANGO
U .......... UNIFORM
V .......... VICTOR
W .......... WHISKY
X .......... X-RAY
Y .......... YANKEE
Z .......... ZULU
*i got it from here


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