Ha.. What a sentence.. Right after my lovely housemate decided to take me to the event, I quickly looked at my calendar and see if I got things to do at that time. Not that I will say NO to my housemate, I just want to cancel it asap towards my future shoes. Haha.. I might be over reacted, but it just happen to be a dream come true in a small scale for me.. I have been waiting to buy this very basic classy black pump shoes and when it goes to basic, I think Tony Bianco is a good option. In fact, now I think it is the best choice and Wittnerr is my second best.
Anyway, one thing that I kind of love from Tony is that they arranged the store based on the sizes. So I can quickly go to my size 6 and 6,5 section and try whatever they got on my sizes. Rarely that they have a size with a model that they wont display.
EXCEPTION is when the sale and promotion event coming. Since everyone acting wild and 8 shop keepers are just not enough, I have to take a good eye on the shoes that I wanted to buy.....
Here is my plan at first:
Black pump can never go wrong, right?
"classic never dies" - my fave sentence atm!
and i think another black shoes wont hurt?
plus its a wedges, which supposed to be super comfy and again this type of material makes the foot looks sexy.. it's the LV vernis kind of sexyness in a foot... haha
and this one is for my friend, ALINA who i share my shoes pashion for my first choice of shoes at the top.. just she got too many black shoes and now she's looking into something like blue metalic or whatever other colour out there..
OK.. BUT, this is reality...
i always love brown beige sand and nude colour, and this one just looks so perfect, believe me! so i decided to take it, so scared that if i put it back, someone next to me will grab it..
I got only two hands, and my bag is quite heavy, plus the aircon has been switched off since the center is closing at its normal time which is 6pm.. i have to take my jacket off cause otherwise i'll be sweating, and i still choose to carry it around while looking for another shoes..
Next story is, the black wedges i wanted to buy does not looks as good as i thought before, and when i tried the black pump heels on my size, it doesnt give me any edgyness and i started to break down.. But, since thats the only one left on my size, i decided again to carry that one around too..
OK, so far I got two pairs of shoes in my hand while looking for the navy heels that my friend wanted.. apparently they dont put that one out for some reason, they only got it on black colour.. but i only found that out after 30mins going around and around.. till i decided just to queu to the register.. let me say, the register queu kind of blocking the store into half different area, and they work really slow.. hosh..
One blink of eye and "tra tra tra tra" i saw this lovely ankle boot with a covered wedge.. i know this one is a new arrival collection and YES! it looks perfect..
no more tears no more confusion and breaking down, i put the other black pump off and get the boots with the wedges up to the register..
So, end up buying these two fabs fabs fabs pairs.. and yes, dream is not the same as reality.. but in my case, reality does not always have to be worst.. it can be sweet too sometime.. =D
and my housemate got this lovely heels (*which I kind of regret not to get one for myself as well - its on sale to $80 and she got extra 30%off, darn it!)
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