to be exact, it was 8am.
First thing comes first,
get ready for my supervising session in Clayton at 11am!
I have to recap all of the materials that I've prepared the night before and get ready to get a really hard bang on my head. Yes yes yes, as I wrote before, I am very unprepared and very less likely to finish my thesis on time.
The first topic that we talked about was "Do you have any time stamp that you might be able to show to the panel regarding your late retrieval of data for your thesis extension reasons?" Spot on Grace, I am feeling so useless..!
And then the consultation went really bad in my opinion. Not because of anyone, its all because of me not so prepared from the beginning. But I expect it already, what can you say. A sip of coffee and a bite of my blue berry muffin just minutes before she arrived was really helpful though.
Then, time showed 12.45 already, I need to be in Oakleigh for my driving test which is at 1.50pm. But I wanted to have a one last lesson before the actual test, so I made an appointment at 1pm with my instructor, and I just missed the bus that will bring me there. So, cab is a life safiour.. and I paid $17, but I was not late. Dont blame me for the waste of money today.
The test went really well even though I was shocked with the route that my instructor gave me. Ricardo, my instructor said that he had given me pretty much all of the possible routes that I might be directed to, but all of a sudden my test was in a completely different route. Anyway, I passed (*yay yay yay..) and its my second time. I get my 3years license now, and just need to wait for another week or two before the actual card arrive.
Right after, I was so excited that I want to share my excitement with my close friends family BF, whoever! But no one was there!!!! My friend told me that she was in city just right I got myself into my room. My BF was busy reading his comics waiting for his time to go to work. My family are far far away. All that I can do was to call them one by one.. sharing the excitement via this damn phone.. =(
but what can I say, I have to stay positive... thats what my BF always tell me..
I forced myself to clean up my room, do the laundry, cook some "special" dinner (*tomorrow will be our 21months annyversary and I want him to stay until midnite), blogging (*haha...) and do some progress on my honours?
Stop me from murmuring... please..!
Anyway, this is my summary:

pic from here
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