Things has been really good with life lately..
One of them would be getting my new iphone 5 on the day it was released, without having to queu =)
The only thing that can ruin this little happiness was that G decided to get his own iphone 2 weeks after and got a white one instead..
I keep on telling myself that the white one was not that nice since it has the chrome plate at the back of it and black one would look cooler.. truth is.. a girl just need an excuse to stay happy till i got what i want myself..
G promised to swap phone (so that he'll end up with the black one again) after couple of months.. but for now i just have to live with it.. and spying on his white iphone from time to time =))
So.. whats iphone 5 compares to iphone 4s/4?
I'd have to say that if you got an iphone 4s/4 and you updated to iOS 6 already.. then specs between the 3 types wouldnt be so much different.. A lot of people was playing with the new Map apps that allows 3d view on iOS6, some playing with the new Photo stream function to share pictures among friends.. but here i just want to compare physically the difference between the 3 of em..
Dimension comparison |
Weight comparison |
Display comparison |
Process comparison |
Camera comparison |
Battery life comparison |
Memory RAM comparison |
Wireless comparison |
thanks Dasi for the link!
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