I should have learnt my lesson long long time ago, that ordering food with empty stomach, NEVER is a good idea..! and this time, my food is my hunger for this fully sexy bag i've been eyeing for agesssss..
and yes.. it is the Cambridge Satchel bag..
Fine, I tend to be a lil hyperbole when writing my blog, but seriously.. this bag is one hell of exception for me..
this bag is fully sexy, chic, practical, neat, sophisticated, modern and vintage all at once.. geez do i really have to put all of this words down to describe this bag? YES is the answer..
and plus, how else on earth something can be both vintage and modern? but this bag is.. you just have to see it urself to actually feel it.. that ofc if u havent seen one before, which is less likely.. since it is everywhere now..
lets hope those ones u've seen is not the fake one.. i hate it how some local brands were starting to copy it..
just make sure if u cant resist to not buy this bag (it really is WORTH the price of it), please do buy an original one.. and not a fake one..
this bag price is very reasonable, knowing how good the quality is..
you can buy em online directly from
Cambridge Satchel company, or u can ofc check the nearest stockist in ur local place from their
notice there is not much stockis here in Australia, which is why i was so excited when i finally got to buy one (actually TWO, i know i know.. im getting there, bare with me, the story is not over yet..) from them..
i first noticed this bag from a girl on the tram that i figured must be living in the apartment next door.. i bumped to her wearing this bag multiple times, and everytime, i just cant help myself to stare at it trying to figure it out.. what brand? local or international? what leather? etc etc...
sadly, just when i think im ready to be crazy enough to ask her directly where she get it from, i never actually bump to her again.. how pathetic am i?!!
anw, i saw a couple wearing the same bag of Red Satchel when i was having a korean bbq dinner weeks after.. i wanted to ask them so bad, that i waited for them to finish (am trying to b polite), but then i lost courage :( that happen again omw home from QV just days after, but i couldnt catch up with the girl since it was really crowded..
well, short story.. the next time i saw a girl wearing a FAIRLY similar bag, i know i just have to ask her.. well, i dont really have the courage again, but lucky me, GIAN has been a big big hero to me.. He asked the girl and she gave us a name.. me and Gian has decided to check it online once we get back home.. thats when i found that she was not wearing a Cambridge, instead hers was from a local Melbourne designer.. (fyi, it was not bad, but pls can people have some courtesy to not claiming others ideas for once?).. looking at the bright side, that was when i found out about Cambridge..
takes me a while to decide if im going to buy it online from them directly or to actually go to our one and only one stockist in Melbourne,
Cottage Industry.. decided to buy one from Cottage Indusrty since am not sure about the size..
what happen next? they are low in stock and i have to put my number down and wait till the next 2-3 weeks for new delivery.. they dont take orders and u just got to surprise urself to see whats included in the stock next time..
well, when i finally got a call, i went straight away the next morning, with one goal in mind.. grab a satchel in vintage size 14" or 15".. and thats it..
i end up buying 2 vintage satchel, one in 14" and another one in 11"..
no embossing (which is sucks) but i promised that i will find one here in Melbourne..
it was not that easy to find one, but i think i might be able to have it done sometimes next week..
ill keep u all posted.. but atm, enjoy below..

FYI, this bag is provocative, it attracts comment.. be prepared to be jealous since people will notice ur bag more than u.. :)