the weather has started to get sunny,
and its time to put some sandals on,
have a lil bit of picnic and everything..
I went to the Shrine of Remambrance in St Kilda rd (*just opposite my apartment, if that's necessary to say),
and the thing is, I has lived here for almost 4years, and I have never put my foot in there..
and here it is, me, planning to stay in Australia for the rest of my life..
Well, anyway, I went there, with a box of frankfurt cocktail sausages, two meat pies, some water and some twiggies..
Erick also bring his iphone, and we're planning to play some frisbee..
here's some photos..

my impression is, that this place is really nice..
plus the perfect weather,
and now not to mention, perfect partner to go with..
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