I love planning, i love being organized, i love time scheduling.
hm.. i guess im quite a freak on time management haha
So, todays plan:
1. go to gas station
2. final dress fitting
3. F.I.S.H spa
4. grab the jewelry for tomorrow
5. grab the souvenirs
6. buy some matching white shoes
7. manicure and padicure
From the list, my favorite one is the FISH spa,
im so enjoying that moment with me, my mom and Holly (the bday girl, yay..)
My brother was there too, but he decided to get some shiatsu instead.
Hm lets say he is not into girls talk.
first time we need to get our feet cleaned,
you can always grab some shorts which they provide to make it easier for you when u do the fish spa,
but mom never like "public sharing" properties,
she insist to keep her long pants on, and tried really hard to fold it up high..
then, we get to sit on a chair where someone can wash our feet..
im not so comfortable with the fact that my feet being washed as if im a queen to worship or something,
but seems like everybody have it done to them there,
so after that, the three of us get into a pool where we can sit and let our feet being "eaten" by the fish.. hahaha
let me tell u something,
it gives u a tickling sensation at first,
and the more dead skin u got, the more fish will come to ur feet,
and the more u got tickled by it..
mom even screamed once and got some "ssshuusshhh" by the other customers hahaha
anyway, the fish called "Gara rufa" or "Doctor fish"
they originally comes from Middle East countries like Turki and Syria,
the spa staff said the fish used for fish spa are those with maximum 2 - 4cm length only,
once it gets bigger, they are not recommended for fish spa anymore,
but the biggest size they can get is only 12cm..
by having fish spa, u might get ur dead skin off so that the younger skin can appear..

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