cause just when i started to feel like i know this city a little bit more, kapaw kapaw boom..!!
Here you go, the city decided to throw an all night long extravagant event for the first time ever..
White Night Melbourne - A night like no other
A night like no other it was indeed..
I kept on saying that this feels like New Years Eve all over again to G.. but not till 6am in the morning, after i got my 4 hours sleep only, that i realise this is nothing like New Years Eve.. this is bigger!
People are still cramming up everywhere.. they are all excited, energized and most of all - still up for this whole from dusk till dawn.. i have to say am impressed, i wish i can pull an all night long like those every weekend..
owh.. and i cant help but smiling when i walked pass a crowd in front of Flinders Station at 6.50am cheering a mini orchestra to play one last song after they finished playing their - supposed to be last performance to conclude the event..
This whole cheerfulness, happiness, and just crazy act everywhere is contagious..
Am loving it.. thank you Melbourne one more time, for proving to be a what so called Most Liveable City in the World..
Anyway, i know that Facebook,
A night like no other |
Free jazz performances, all night long - aka bad night sleep for some ;) |
White Night, ey? |
Pretty light projection on the bridge across Yarra River |
G's rocking the line and swing dance =) |
Let the cleaning begin |