urgh i am old! i am 21st now..
people says this is the time when u should start thinking about life, as in "serious long term life"
and i don't like the idea, at all....
well, let me tell you funny thing about my 21st bday first.. it is on September 5th, 2009..
and yeah.. guess what? suddenly there just hell too many events happening on the week..
worst one, or should i say, best one maybe.. haha im too confuse about it now, should i be happy or not.. is on Friday, on the 4th.. i got other friend's 21st bday party held on the city from 9pm till late.. since i know this is important to her and him (yes, two of them.. Windu and Anthony), i decided to come anyway.. and OFCOURSE planning to leave early around 11.30 just before my day formally start... but as expected, they did not allowing me to go until just 12o'clock.. funny isnt it? i just dont want to still their party.. but what can i do?
then.. the next day, which is Saturday (funny my 21st is actually on Sat, kind of luv it) i've already appointed to help one of the indonesian event as a make-up helper.. and it's at 12.. i came late, and get there shocked as everyone were done and i dont see in anyway they need any more help.. so i quickly get to my friend, *thx to dearest Josephine, and helped her with the hair things.. not many things happening, just meet some friends and having heaps of bday wishes..
right after i finish, i get some lunch and cafe-ing things with some other friends in MaxB.. this was my first cake.. if i can call it a cake.. haha..
then.. i went back to chaddy and play some bowling with my best friends ever.. not to mention my lovely BF too, Erick.. so here we are, me, Erick, Cia, Tom, Van and Dimz..
followed by indo dinner in Garamerica and get back home.. BUT.. not to my home weirdly..
silly me did not recognize about it at all..
right when the time says 11.55 i got my most beautiful cake ever in my life....
haha u must be jealous... the cake is just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too beautiful to describe..
have a close look at my cake.. luv it luv it luv it.....

taken from cookinginmelb.blogspot.com
thx u to all of u....
instead of "urgh i am old! i am 21st now.."
maybe i should have said... "yay!! im 21st, im happy, im crazily in luv and im ready for it..!"
thx u again dearest friends... =)